
The Survey on Income and Living Conditions in BiH

The Agency for Statistics of BiH, in cooperation with the entity’s statistical offices, is conducting a Survey on Income and Living Conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (SILC).


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The Survey aims to collect data on income, poverty, social exclusion, material deprivation, socio-economic characteristics of individuals and living conditions. The collected data will be used to obtain the main social indicators at the state and entity levels. Since the implementation of the Survey is in line with Eurostat methodology, the data will also be internationally comparable. 

The survey is conducted throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina on a representative sample of randomly selected households, in the period May-July 2022. The survey will be conducted by certified and educated interviewers, hired by official statistical institutions in BiH.

The statistical institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina guarantee that in accordance with Law on Statistics in BiH and Law on Personal Data Protection answers to the questions will be kept strictly confidential, the respondents will stay animus and plead with the citizens for active cooperation in the realization of this important activity.